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On this spot you will be able to climb rocks . There are 29db routes ranging from 10m to 40m-ig in height to get to the top.
GPS coordinates: É 48° 7.269' K 20° 32.699'
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
IX |
X |
XI |
P |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Weather forecast |
partly cloudy |
clear |
overcast |
temperature |
-1.8-3.3°C |
-0.6-5.3°C |
-0.2-5.2°C |
Tulajdonság | |
continent: | Europe |
region: | Bükk |
min wall heigth: | 10 m |
number of routes: | 29 db |
Tulajdonság | |
country: | Hungarian |
city: | Szentlélek |
max wall height: | 40 m |
GPS: | É 48° 7.269' K 20° 32.699' |
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