Hours |
Temperature (°C) |
Rain (mm) |
snowfall (cm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Gust (km/h) |
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Daily detailed weather forecast:
Tulajdonság | |
continent: | Central America |
region: | SS Stavronikita |
GPS: | Sz: 13.1443166666667 H: -59.6430166666667 |
distance: | 10 minutes boat trip |
alternative name: | Stav |
Average depth: | 85ft |
maximum depth: | 141.1ft |
visibility: | good ( 10 - 30 m) |
experience: | CMAS ** / AOW |
dive type: | Wreck, Deep, Big fishes |
hazard: | depth |
big fish: | Igen |
wreck: | Igen |
ice: | Nem |
drift: | Nem |
lagoon: | Nem |
cave: | Nem |
pool: | Nem |
free diving: | Nem |
bio interest: | Igen |
dive training: | Nem |
children dive: | Nem |
speleology: | Nem |
Tulajdonság | |
country: | Barbados |
experience: | CMAS ** / AOW |
availability: | by boat |
easy to find?: | easy to find |
average depth: | 25.9m |
maximum depth: | 43m |
current: | low (1 knot) |
dive site quality: | excellent |
biointerest: | interesting |
activities: | Marine biology, Night dive, Photography |
depth: | Igen |
reef: | Nem |
fresh water: | Nem |
ambiance: | Nem |
shark: | Nem |
shallow: | Nem |
wall: | Nem |
snorkeling: | Nem |
photography: | Igen |
night dive: | Igen |
first dive: | Nem |
orientation: | Nem |
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