Órák |
Hőmérséklet (°C) |
Eső mértéke (mm) |
Hó mértéke (cm) |
Szél sebesség (km/h) |
Széllőkések (km/h) |
Szél irány szám |
Olaszország, Alba
Tartózkodási hely megadása
Részletes idojárás elorejelzés, hójelentés:
csütörtök | péntek | szombat | vasárnap | hétfo | kedd | szerda |
Várható hó: |
4.3cm |
13.5cm |
10.5cm |
15.3cm |
5cm |
0.8cm |
0cm |
hegyen: | reggel |
délben |
este |
homérséklet |
-5°C, -5°C |
-4°C, -4°C |
-3°C, -3°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
-5°C, -4°C |
-7°C, -5°C |
-6°C, -5°C |
völgyben: | reggel |
délben |
este |
homérséklet |
-6°C, 2°C |
-3°C, 2°C |
-4°C, 2°C |
-2°C, 3°C |
-1°C, 2°C |
-5°C, 1°C |
-11°C, 1°C |

Tulajdonság | |
szintkülönbség (m): | 1108m |
csúcs magassága (m): | 2428m |
kék pályák hossza (km): | 12km |
fekete pályák hossza (km): | 3.5km |
szűzhavas pályák hossza: | - |
ülős felvonók száma (db): | 5db |
tárcsás felvonók száma (db): | 1db |
ország: | Olaszország |
város: | Alba |
GPS koordináták: | Sz: 46.458417 H: 11.788939 |
sífutás lehetőség: | Igen |
félcső: | Nem |
síterep: | na |
hóágyúk száma: | 0db |
1 napos felnöttjegy: | 0EUR |
6 napos felnöttjegy: | 232EUR |
leírás 2: | Alba is an attractive small resort located at one end of the Fassa Valley, with it's own ski area on Ciampac and easy access to the Sella Ronda via the nearby lift access at Canazei. It's also close to the Marmolada Glacier for snow-sure skiing.
Val di Fassa is a key and famous ski region in the Dolomiti Superski, rich in history, culture and natural beauty. Its ancient history is dominated by its Ladin heritage and the Ladin language is still spoken, alongside German and Italian.
The skiing of Val di Fassa/Carezza and its neighbouring Tre Valli's skiing is spread over eight separate ski areas ranging in size from 10km above Alba to 30km above Moena/San Pellegrino. They officially add up to 150km of trails, but as all are on the Dolomiti Superski ticket, and as the lifts above Canazei lift link to the Sella Ronda circuit which lift links Val Gardena, Alta Badia and Arabba like spokes on a wheel, also all on the Dolomiti Sperski ticket, the area claims there are approximately 200km of skiing "in and around" Val di Fassa. The addition of Val Gardena and Alta Badia make this claim in fact a rather conservative estimate, the reality nearer double that total.
Canazei is a very attractive, lively roadside village set below well forested slopes. It has grown to become the largest of the villages in the Fassa Valley, probably due to the fact it is the main resort for direct access to the Sella Ronda.
Campitello is a traditional village set back from the main road. The beginners slopes in the village are particularly good and there are several lively bars nearby.
Vigo and Pozza di Fassa are particularly attractive villages each with their own cosy ski areas and perhaps the strongest influence of history and culture in the whole valley.
The large village of Moena stands on the border of the Fassa Valley and the TreValli sectors of the Dolomiti Superski and is the closest resort in the area to Bolzano.
Kulcsszavak: | Alba, Penia di Canazei, Trentino, Dolomites, Ciampac, Marmolada, Val Di Fassa |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
völgy magassága (m): | 1320m |
sípályák hossza (km): | 25km |
piros pályák hossza (km): | 9.5km |
szűzhavas lehetőség: | Igen |
felvonók száma (db): | 8db |
csáklyás felvonók száma (db): | 0db |
földrész: | Európa |
régió: | Trentino |
Kabinos felvonó (db): | 2db |
web: | www.fassa.com |
funpark: | Igen |
esti síelés: | Igen |
zöld pályák hossza: | 0km |
1 napos gyerekjegy: | 0EUR |
6 napos gyerekjegy: | 0EUR |
leírás: | An attractive small resort located at one end of the Fassa Valley, with it's own ski area on Ciampac and easy access to the Sella Ronda via the nearby lift access at Canazei. Close to the Marmolada Glacier for skiing in the late season and summer. |
Heliskiing: | Nem |
hegység: | Ciampac, Marmolada, Passo Fedaia |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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