Órák |
Hőmérséklet (°C) |
Eső mértéke (mm) |
Hó mértéke (cm) |
Szél sebesség (km/h) |
Széllőkések (km/h) |
Szél irány szám |
Olaszország, Sestriere
Tartózkodási hely megadása
Részletes idojárás elorejelzés, hójelentés:
csütörtök | péntek | szombat | vasárnap | hétfo | kedd | szerda |
Várható hó: |
2cm |
7.1cm |
7.5cm |
7cm |
0cm |
0.1cm |
0.2cm |
hegyen: | reggel |
délben |
este |
homérséklet |
-10°C, -8°C |
-6°C, -5°C |
-7°C, -5°C |
-8°C, -6°C |
-8°C, -6°C |
-8°C, -7°C |
-6°C, -5°C |
völgyben: | reggel |
délben |
este |
homérséklet |
-8°C, -1°C |
-3°C, 1°C |
-4°C, 1°C |
-11°C, 0°C |
-11°C, -1°C |
-10°C, -1°C |
-9°C, -1°C |

Tulajdonság | |
szintkülönbség (m): | 1483m |
csúcs magassága (m): | 2840m |
kék pályák hossza (km): | 96km |
fekete pályák hossza (km): | 84km |
szűzhavas pályák hossza: | - |
ülős felvonók száma (db): | 34db |
tárcsás felvonók száma (db): | 21db |
ország: | Olaszország |
város: | Sestriere |
GPS koordináták: | Sz: 44.953673 H: 6.874387 |
sífutás lehetőség: | Igen |
félcső: | Nem |
síterep: | na |
hóágyúk száma: | 0db |
1 napos felnöttjegy: | 0EUR |
6 napos felnöttjegy: | 190EUR |
leírás 2: | One of the world's pioneering ski areas, and certainly Italy's, Sestriere was built by the Fiat car company in 1934. The mountain-top Possetto hotel first opened through the winter a decade earlier and more lifts and hotels opened before 1934. It was one of the earliest and still one of the highest purpose- built ski stations and was established in Valsusa, an area on the French border where downhill skiing was first taught in Italy by a Swiss engineer, Alfredo Kind.
Today the resort where those lessons took place a century ago, the border village of Claviere, is linked by lift to Sestriere itself in the huge Milky Way. Also connected are its nearest neighbour, Sauze d'Oulx and a dozen small centres on the way over to Montgenevre over the border in France. Sitting on a sunny plateau, snow cover is guaranteed thanks to both altitude and one of the world's most extensive snow making operations. At the time of its creation it was one of the first resorts in the world with modern hotels and a ski lift system where it was possible to take a family on a relatively economic ski trip - the model copied by the French purpose built centres of thirty years later.
Although a very hi tec and modern ski centre, Sestriere is located in an area of great history and culture, dating back to neolithic sites, but rich in Roman and later remains. Of more interest mid-winter however are the excellent sports, leisure and off-slope facilities this resort offers as well as an excellent lift system and snow conditions made some of the world's best by a combination of altitude and one of the world's largest snow making installations - 900 snow guns in strength. No wonder the resort was selected to stage the Alpine World Championships in 1997 and the 2006 Winter Olympics when it was host to some of the Alpine ski competitions.
The resort has a long history of ski racing from the first Kandahar contests of the 1930s through to the world Championships, nearly 100 international world contests have been staged. The list of great racers who have won here over the decades is astonishing and includes Jean-Claude Killy, Ingemar Stenmark, Pirmin Zurbriggen to name but a few. Alberto Tomba won his first ever World Cup race at Sestriere. The World Championship race runs on the Kandahar Slalom and Kandahar Banchetta are open for good recreational downhillers to enjoy.
Kulcsszavak: | Grangesises, Sestriere, Vialattea, Piedmont, Valle di Susa, Alps, Italy, The Milky Way / Voie Lactée / Via Lattea, Grande Galaxie |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
völgy magassága (m): | 1357m |
sípályák hossza (km): | 400km |
piros pályák hossza (km): | 220km |
szűzhavas lehetőség: | Igen |
felvonók száma (db): | 62db |
csáklyás felvonók száma (db): | 0db |
földrész: | Európa |
régió: | Via Lattea |
Kabinos felvonó (db): | 7db |
web: | www.turismotorino.org |
funpark: | Igen |
esti síelés: | Igen |
zöld pályák hossza: | 0km |
1 napos gyerekjegy: | 0EUR |
6 napos gyerekjegy: | 30EUR |
leírás: | Built by the owners of the Fiat car company in 1934 and owned by them for 70 years, Sestriere is one of the earliest and still one of the highest purpose- built ski stations. Sitting on a sunny plateau, snow cover is guaranteed thanks to both altitude and one of the world's most extensive snow making operations. Before hosting downhill events in the 2006 Winter Olympics, the Alpine World Championships were staged here in 1997, and the Men's World Cup races take place here every December. |
Heliskiing: | Nem |
hegység: | M Triplex |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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