Hours |
Temperature (°C) |
Rain (mm) |
snowfall (cm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Gust (km/h) |
Wind direction |
Rio Mondego - Spot do Berbigao or Ponte dos Arcos
Nearby Portugal Cova, Gala You will enjoy kiting in river and the water quality is muddy. The beach size is small and sand.
Beach: sand small part
Beach hazard: None
water: muddy shallow, flat water surface
water hazard: None
Main wind direction: NW
Wind type: No Info
Best wind direction: E, SW, NW
Experince: advanced, expert
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Weather and wind forecast |
overcast |
clear |
clear |
temperature |
8-17.5°C |
8.1-16.6°C |
7.8-15.5°C |
wind speed |
3.6km/h |
1.1km/h |
0.7km/h |
wind direction |
Daily detailed weather and wind forecast:
Tulajdonság | |
continent: | Europe |
GPS: | Sz: 40.1321 H: -8.8491 |
Next big city: | Figueira da Foz |
difficultly: | advanced, expert |
learn: | Nem |
toilet: | Nem |
shower: | Nem |
rescue: | Nem |
quality: | muddy |
beach: | sand |
wind type: | No Info |
main direction: | NW |
summer wear: | Shorty |
winter wear: | Normal Wetsuit |
camping: | Nem |
repair: | Nem |
advanced: | Igen |
Tulajdonság | |
country: | Portugal |
water type: | river |
Next town: | Cova, Gala |
parking: | Nem |
food: | Nem |
accommodation: | Nem |
rental: | Nem |
water surface: | shallow, flat |
best tide: | low tide |
beach size: | small |
best direction: | E, SW, NW |
spring wear: | Normal Wetsuit |
fall wear: | Normal Wetsuit |
best mounth: | - |
shop: | Nem |
expert: | Igen |
beginer: | Nem |
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