Hours |
Temperature (°C) |
Rain (mm) |
snowfall (cm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Gust (km/h) |
Wind direction |
Nearby Bulgaria Varna, Kranevo You will enjoy sailing Ocean in clear water. Beach: sand bigBeach hazard: Water: clear chop, small wave (0-1m), medium wave (1-3m) water surfaceWater hazard: Main wind direction:
Wind type: Best wind direction: SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Weather and wind forecast |
cloudy |
partly cloudy |
clear |
temperature |
14.6-20°C |
18.1-21.9°C |
18.7-25.4°C |
wind speed |
20.7km/h |
23.8km/h |
16.4km/h |
wind direction |
Daily detailed weather and wind forecast:
Tulajdonság | |
continent: | Europe |
Next big city: | Burgas |
water type: | Ocean |
water surface: | chop, small wave (0-1m), medium wave (1-3m) |
best tide: | tide independent |
beach size: | big |
spring wear: | Normal Wetsuit |
fall wear: | Normal Wetsuit |
GPS: | Sz: 43.4119 H: 28.3461 |
city: | - |
parking: | - |
food: | - |
accommodation: | - |
rental: | - |
wind type: | - |
airport: | - |
advanced: | - |
best mounth: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
country: | Bulgaria |
Next town: | Varna, Kranevo |
difficultly: | beginner, advanced, expert |
quality: | clear |
beach: | sand |
best direction: | SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW |
summer wear: | Shorts |
winter wear: | Thick Wetsuit / Drysuit |
region: | - |
water name: | - |
learn: | - |
toilet: | - |
shower: | - |
rescue: | - |
main direction: | - |
expert: | - |
beginer: | - |
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