Hours |
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snowfall (cm) |
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Enjoy snow sports in Italy, near Aprica. You have to ski on 50km slopes. You can use 13db lifts.
Height: 1162m - 2270m, difference: 1108m
Slopes: • 0km • 26km • 14.5km • 9.5km
Weather and snow forecast |
today |
tomorrow |
day after tomorrow |
temperature top: |
-5°C, -4°C |
-4°C, -3°C |
-3°C, -3°C |
temperature valley: |
-6°C, 3°C |
0°C, 3°C |
-4°C, 3°C |
snow: |
19.2cm |
26.3cm |
27cm |
Detailed weather forecast, snow forecast:
Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Snow: |
19.2cm |
26.3cm |
27cm |
5.5cm |
0.8cm |
0.9cm |
0cm |
top: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-5°C, -4°C |
-4°C, -3°C |
-3°C, -3°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
-7°C, -5°C |
-5°C, -5°C |
valley: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-6°C, 3°C |
0°C, 3°C |
-4°C, 3°C |
-5°C, 3°C |
0°C, 3°C |
-3°C, 2°C |
-9°C, 2°C |

Tulajdonság | |
height difference (m): | 1108m |
top (m): | 2270m |
blue slopes (km): | 26km |
black slopes (km): | 9.5km |
freeride slopes (km): | - |
chairlifts (p): | 6db |
J-bar lift (p): | 5db |
country: | Italy |
city: | Aprica |
GPS: | Sz: 46.152181 H: 10.153993 |
ski-running: | Igen |
halfpipe: | Igen |
ski resort: | na |
number of snowmaking: | 0db |
1 day adult ticket: | 0EUR |
6 day adult ticket: | 185EUR |
description 2: | Aprica is quite a large as well as a long established resort town sitting on a huge pleateau in the Valtellina region of Italy, between the provinces of Sondrio and Brescia. The surrounding countryside is a national park protected by law and village houses and decorated with picturesque murals depicting local nature and traditions..
The medium-sized ski area on the south Orobic side of the valley, with north east facing slopes, is well suited to beginners and intermediates who have a 1.5km wide village-side area served by a selection of parallel surface lifts. However the slopes ascend to 2270m, more than 1000m above the valley floor giving access top terrain for more advanced skiers and boarders.
The local Nature Reserve of Pian di Gembro has beautiful views and scenery accessibly by cross country skis and snowshoes.
Keywords: | Aprica, Lombardia, Valtellina, Lombardy, Rhaetian Alps |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
valley (m): | 1162m |
ski slopes (km): | 50km |
red slopes (km): | 14.5km |
freeride: | Igen |
ski lifts (p): | 13db |
T-bar lift (p): | 0db |
continent: | Europe |
region: | Lombardia |
gondola lift (p): | 2db |
web: | www.apricaonline.com |
funpark: | Igen |
night skiing: | Nem |
green slopes lenght: | 0km |
1 day children ticket: | 0EUR |
6 day children ticket: | 120EUR |
description: | An excellent resort for beginners who have a 1.5km wide village-side area served by a good range of lifts. However this mid-sized resorts has a good mix of red and black runs too so there's plenty to progress on to. |
Heliskiing: | Nem |
mountain: | Corteno |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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