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snowfall (cm) |
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Campo Felice - Rocca di Cambio
Enjoy snow sports in Italy, near Campo Felice. You have to ski on 30km slopes. You can use 12db lifts.
Height: 1410m - 1916m, difference: 504m
Slopes: • 0km • 5km • 16km • 9km
Weather and snow forecast |
today |
tomorrow |
day after tomorrow |
temperature top: |
-1°C, -1°C |
-2°C, 0°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
temperature valley: |
1°C, 6°C |
2°C, 7°C |
0°C, 6°C |
snow: |
10.1cm |
0cm |
0.6cm |
Detailed weather forecast, snow forecast:
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Snow: |
10.1cm |
0cm |
0.6cm |
3.6cm |
23.6cm |
0.4cm |
1.3cm |
top: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-1°C, -1°C |
-2°C, 0°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
-2°C, -2°C |
-2°C, -2°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
-8°C, -2°C |
valley: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
1°C, 6°C |
2°C, 7°C |
0°C, 6°C |
3°C, 5°C |
1°C, 4°C |
4°C, 7°C |
-1°C, 5°C |

Tulajdonság | |
height difference (m): | 504m |
top (m): | 1916m |
blue slopes (km): | 5km |
black slopes (km): | 9km |
freeride slopes (km): | - |
chairlifts (p): | 9db |
J-bar lift (p): | 3db |
country: | Italy |
city: | Campo Felice |
GPS: | Sz: 42.214189 H: 13.479694 |
ski-running: | Igen |
halfpipe: | Nem |
ski resort: | na |
number of snowmaking: | 0db |
1 day adult ticket: | 29EUR |
6 day adult ticket: | 165EUR |
description 2: | Despite its southerly latitude, the favourable geographic location for snowfall when its cloudy in Rome, coupled with the latest snow-making technology and a positive attitude all help Campo Felice provide a good service for the population of the Italian Capital.
Campo Felice is notoriously busy on Sundays because of its proximity to Rome – an hour’s drive away, and those who can visit midweek instead, particularly on Tuesdays when special ticket deals are often available. car park added in 2001 did help ease the problem of weekend congestion and Saturday is in any case much quieter than Sunday.
The resort was created in the 1960s after a search for a suitable site by a team that included representatives of Courmayeur, Cervinia, The Winter Olympics organisers and the then new ‘third generation’ resort developers in France – as well as world champion skiers. They agreed that the terrain, the location and the great views as far as Abruzzo on a good day, made Campo Felice the ideal spot for a ski area. It has been twinned with Saas Fee in Switzerland.
No visit to the resort is complete without seeing the remarkable Madonna of the snow statue which was unveiled on 8th September, 2001, a beautiful seven metre (24 feet) high statue in white marble.
Keywords: | Campo Felice, Rocca di Cambio, Abruzzo, Apennines, L'Aquila |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
valley (m): | 1410m |
ski slopes (km): | 30km |
red slopes (km): | 16km |
freeride: | Igen |
ski lifts (p): | 12db |
T-bar lift (p): | 0db |
continent: | Europe |
region: | Abruzzo |
gondola lift (p): | 0db |
web: | www.campofelice.it or www.roccadicambio.it |
funpark: | Igen |
night skiing: | Nem |
green slopes lenght: | 0km |
1 day children ticket: | 0EUR |
6 day children ticket: | 0EUR |
description: | A very modern and forward thinking resort with the latest snow-making and quad chairs. The wide variety of terrain within and above forested slopes includes an unusually high number of blacks. |
Heliskiing: | Nem |
mountain: | Rocca di Cambio |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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