Hours |
Temperature (°C) |
Rain (mm) |
snowfall (cm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Gust (km/h) |
Wind direction |
Nassfeld - Hermagor
Enjoy snow sports in Austria, near Sonnenalpe Nassfeld. You have to ski on 110km slopes. You can use 28db lifts.
Height: 610m - 2200m, difference: 1590m
Slopes: • 0km • 30km • 69km • 11km
Weather and snow forecast |
today |
tomorrow |
day after tomorrow |
temperature top: |
-3°C, -2°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
temperature valley: |
-2°C, 5°C |
-2°C, 3°C |
2°C, 3°C |
snow: |
19.1cm |
42.2cm |
7.9cm |
Austria, Sonnenalpe Nassfeld
Detailed weather forecast, snow forecast:
Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Snow: |
19.1cm |
42.2cm |
7.9cm |
10.1cm |
0.2cm |
0cm |
0cm |
top: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-3°C, -2°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
-2°C, -1°C |
-3°C, -2°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
-7°C, -7°C |
-6°C, -5°C |
valley: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-2°C, 5°C |
-2°C, 3°C |
2°C, 3°C |
3°C, 3°C |
-9°C, 4°C |
-15°C, 1°C |
-11°C, 2°C |

Tulajdonság | |
height difference (m): | 1590m |
top (m): | 2200m |
blue slopes (km): | 30km |
black slopes (km): | 11km |
freeride slopes (km): | - |
chairlifts (p): | 8db |
J-bar lift (p): | 0db |
country: | Austria |
city: | Sonnenalpe Nassfeld |
GPS: | Sz: 46.6272222 H: 13.3672222 |
ski-running: | Igen |
halfpipe: | Igen |
ski resort: | Carinthia |
number of snowmaking: | 113db |
1 day adult ticket: | 44EUR |
6 day adult ticket: | 222EUR |
description 2: | Carinthia's largest ski region has one of the world's largest snow-making plants, capable of covering over 100km of the pistes. Europe's largest constantly frozen ice skating lake is also here, as is 100km of winter bridleways and much more, even ice golf. It's actually one of Carinthia's newest ski regions based on small villages with additional indoor facilities including bowling, and discotheques, swimming spread out between them. The resort has invested heavilly in snowmaking and uplift in recent seasons adding high capacity gondolas and six-seater chairs to dramatically increase uplift and vertical size and quality of experience. |
Keywords: | Hermagor, Nassfeld, Pramollo, Carinthia, Alps |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
valley (m): | 610m |
ski slopes (km): | 110km |
red slopes (km): | 69km |
freeride: | Igen |
ski lifts (p): | 28db |
T-bar lift (p): | 15db |
continent: | Europe |
region: | Karintia |
gondola lift (p): | 5db |
web: | www.naturarena.com / www.nassfeld.at |
funpark: | Igen |
night skiing: | Igen |
green slopes lenght: | 0km |
1 day children ticket: | 22EUR |
6 day children ticket: | 111EUR |
description: | Carinthia's largest ski region has one of the world's largest snow-making plants, capable of covering over 110km of the pistes. Europe's largest constantly frozen ice skating lake is also here, as is 100km of winter bridleways and much more, even ice golf. It's actually one of Carinthia's newest ski regions based on small villages with additional indoor facilities including bowling, and discotheques, swimming spread out between them. The resort has invested heavilly in snowmaking and uplift in recent seasons adding high capacity gondolas and six-seater chairs to dramatically increase uplift and vertical size and quality of experience. |
Heliskiing: | Nem |
mountain: | Nassfeld |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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