Hours |
Temperature (°C) |
Rain (mm) |
snowfall (cm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Gust (km/h) |
Wind direction |
Spindleruv Mlyn
Enjoy snow sports in Czech Republic, near Špindleruv Mlýn. You have to ski on 26km slopes. You can use 17db lifts.
Height: 702m - 1233m, difference: 531m
Slopes: • 0km • 9km • 15km • 2km
Weather and snow forecast |
today |
tomorrow |
day after tomorrow |
temperature top: |
-8°C, -7°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
1°C, 1°C |
temperature valley: |
-13°C, -4°C |
-12°C, -4°C |
-7°C, 0°C |
snow: |
0cm |
0cm |
0cm |
Czech Republic, Špindleruv Mlýn
Detailed weather forecast, snow forecast:
Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday |
Snow: |
0cm |
0cm |
0cm |
0cm |
0cm |
0.4cm |
0.4cm |
top: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-8°C, -7°C |
-5°C, -3°C |
1°C, 1°C |
1°C, 2°C |
2°C, 4°C |
2°C, 2°C |
-1°C, 3°C |
valley: | morning |
noon |
evening |
temperature |
-13°C, -4°C |
-12°C, -4°C |
-7°C, 0°C |
-9°C, -2°C |
1°C, 3°C |
2°C, 3°C |
-1°C, 5°C |

Tulajdonság | |
height difference (m): | 531m |
top (m): | 1233m |
blue slopes (km): | 9km |
black slopes (km): | 2km |
freeride slopes (km): | - |
chairlifts (p): | 5db |
J-bar lift (p): | 4db |
country: | Czech Republic |
city: | Špindleruv Mlýn |
GPS: | Sz: 50.720539 H: 15.612751 |
ski-running: | Igen |
halfpipe: | Igen |
ski resort: | na |
number of snowmaking: | 0db |
1 day adult ticket: | 0EUR |
6 day adult ticket: | 0EUR |
description 2: | na |
Keywords: | Medvedin, Pláne, Špindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic, Spinderluv Mlyn, Czech Republic, Horni Misecky, Orlické, Giant Mountains |
January: | - |
March: | - |
May: | - |
July: | - |
September: | - |
November: | - |
Tulajdonság | |
valley (m): | 702m |
ski slopes (km): | 26km |
red slopes (km): | 15km |
freeride: | Igen |
ski lifts (p): | 17db |
T-bar lift (p): | 8db |
continent: | Europe |
region: | Jeseníky |
gondola lift (p): | 0db |
web: | www.Spindleruv-Mlyn.com |
funpark: | Igen |
night skiing: | Igen |
green slopes lenght: | 0km |
1 day children ticket: | 0EUR |
6 day children ticket: | 0EUR |
description: | The Czech Republic's largest and best known resort, ?pindleruv is a scattered community centred around the old village of St. Peters, which has a beautiful Baroque church (1807). There are two local ski areas and snow cover is usually good to late April with recent investment in snowmaking making up for any natural deficiencies if they ever occur. Two new quads appeared in the late 1990s but be wary of queues at peak times as there are an awful lot of tourist beds for the lifts available. The highest ski area is Horni Misecky
Heliskiing: | Nem |
mountain: | Medvedín, Pláne |
February: | - |
April: | - |
June: | - |
August: | - |
October: | - |
December: | - |
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